Preface R. D. Chancellor & B.-U. Meyburg
Part 1
Current Studies of African Raptors
- Stability and Long-term changes in a West African raptor community - Jean-Marc Thiollay
- Raptor Studies in Kenya: Past, Present and Future - Munir Virani
- Status and conservation of raptors on the Masoala Peninsula, Madagascar - Russell Thorstrom & Lily-Arison Rene de Roland
- A new Subspecies of the Booted Eagle from Southern Africa, inferred from biometrics and mitochondrial DNA - Reuven Yosef, Gerhard Verdoorn, Andreas Helbig & Ingrid Seibold
- Nesting behaviour of a pair of Bat Hawks Macheiramphus alcinus in South Africa, recorded by time-lapse video images - T Harns, A. Kemp & J. Dunning
- Flight, foraging and food of the Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus: an aerodynamically specialized, opportunistic forager - R. T Watson
- Causes of Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres mortality at the Kransberg colony: a 17 year update - P. C. Benson
- Ecology of Taita Falco fasciinucha, Peregrine F. peregninus minor and Lanner F. biarmicus Falcons in Zimbabwe - R.R. Hartley
- Breeding biology of Henst‘s Goshawk Accipiter henstii on the Masoala Peninsula, northeastern Madagascar - Lily-Anison Rene de Roland
- Behaviour and Range Movements during the post-fledging dependence period of the Madagascar Fish-eagle Haliaeetus vociferoides - Simon A. Rafanomezantsoa
- Taxonomic problems in African diurnal raptors - William S. Clark & R.A.G. Davies
- Advances in the molecular systematics of African raptors - Michael Wink & Hedi Sauer-Gürth
Part 2
Biology & Conservation of the Vultures of the World
- The Status of Vultures in Africa during the 1990s - P.J. Mundy
- Vultures in Asia - S.M. Satheesan
- The Current Status of North American Vultures - Lloyd F Kiff
- The Status of Vultures in Latin America - Marsha A. Schlee
- Habitat Loss and Vultures: a Case Study from Israel - Reuven Yosef & Ofer Bahat
- The role of avian scavengers in locating and exploiting carcasses in central Saudi Arabia - Mohammed Shobrak
- Regular Long-distance migration of Eurasian Griffon Gyps fulvus - Goran Susic
- The Farming Community and the Conservation of the Cape Griffon Vulture Gyps coprotheres in the Western Cape, South Africa - H.A. Scott, R.M. Scott & A.E Boshoff
- The Ecofunctional positions of Palaearctic Vultures - W Baumgart
Part 3
Falcons in Asia and the Middle East
- Saker Falco cherrug and Peregrine Falco peregrinus Falcons in Asia: Determining migration routes and trapping pressure - C.P. Eastham, J.L Quinn & N.C. Fox
- The Saker Falcon Falco cherrug in Kazakstan - Anatoliy Levin, Mark Watson, Helen Macdonald & Nicholas C. Fox
- The Saker Falcon Falco cherrug in Mongolia - Damdinsuren Shijirmaa, Eugene Potapov, Samdangiin Banzragch & N. C. Fox
- The Saker Falcon Falco cherrug in the Kyrgyz Republic - Erin J. Gott, Helen J. Macdonald & N. C. Fox
- The Saker Falcon in European Russia - Vladimir Galushin & Valery Moseikin
- Are Peregrine Falcons in Northern Siberia still affected by organochlorines? - J.L. Quinn, Y Kokarev, J. Prop, N. Fox & J.M. Black
- New Developments on the Western Border of the Saker Falcon Falco cherrug range in Middle Europe - W. Baumgart
- The Status of the Lugger Falcon Falco jugger in Pakistan - M. Ahmed, N.C. Fox & C.P. Eastham
Part 4
Conservation Models for Raptors of the World
- The California Condor Recovery Programme - Lloyd F. Kiff
- Appearances vs Performance; managing endangered Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagles in forestry operations - Nick J. Mooney
- Madagascar Fish-Eagle and Community-based Wetland Conservation - R. T Watson, A. Andrianarimisa, D. Razandrizanakanirina & L. Kalavaha
- Progress in Translocation of Diurnal Raptors - Tom J. Cade
- Falconry as a Conservation Tool in Africa - R.R. Hartley
- Black Sparrowhawks in the Southwestern Cape: Benefits of cooperative conservation - E. E. Oettle, M. Walters & D. Pepler
- People and Hyrax in the Conservation of Black Eagles in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe - N. Chiweshe
- The Black Eagle Radio Telemetry Project in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe - W J. Goodwin
- Evaluating the long-term effectiveness of conservation practices in Montagu‘s Harrier Circus pygargus - Beatriz Arroyo & Vincent Bretagnolle
- On the Demography of the Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca in Kazakhstan - Evgeny A. Bragin
- Ecological Research and its relationship to the Conservation Programme of the Golden Eagle and the Japanese Mountain Hawk-Eagle - T. Yamazaki
Part 5
Raptors in Urban Environments
- Raptors in Urban Landscapes: A Review and Future Concerns - Oliver P. Love & David M. Bird
- Urban Landscapes and Raptors: a review of factors affecting Population Ecology - David E. Andersen & David L. Plumpton
- Nest Sites of Five Raptor Species along an Urban - R. W. Mannan, C. W Baal, W. J. Burroughs, J. W. Dawson, T. S. Estabrook & W. S. Richardson
- Overwintering by Urban-nesting Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in Midwestern North America - Greg Septon
- Adaptation of two Falcon species Falco femoralis & F. subbuteo to an urban environment - Klaus Dietrich Fiuczynski & Paul Soemmer
- Red-Shouldered Hawks Buteo lineatus nesting on human-made structures in Southwest Ohio - Jeffrey L. Hays
Part 6
Understanding Distribution - the Whys and Wherefores of Geographical Ranges of Raptors
- Understanding the Distribution ofAustralia‘s Diurnal Raptors - William K Steele & David J. Baker-Gabb
- Radio Telemetry studies of dispersal and survival in juvenile White-tailed Sea Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla in Norway - Torgeir Nygard, Robert E. Kenward & Kjell Einvik
- The ups and downs of a Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis population over a 30 year period - Natural dynamics or an artefact? - Volkher Looft
Part 7
Predation and Feeding Ecology
- Effects of Predators on their Prey: some generalisations - I. Newton
- The Influence of Predation by Black Eagles Aquila verreauxii on Rock Hyrax numbers in the Arid Karoo - R. A. G. Davies & J. W H. Ferguson
- Can Raptor predation limit Red Grouse populations? - S.J. Thirgood & S.M. Redpath
- The Impact of Rabbit Calicivirus Disease on Raptor reproductive success in the Stnelecki Desert, South Australia: A preliminary analysis. - ID. Falkenberg, V G. Hurley & E. Stevenson
- Can the Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus provision increased broods in a mid-latitude environment? - Anthony J. van Zyl
- Feeding ecology of the Javan Hawk-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi during the nestling period - Dewi M. Prawiradilaga, Nils Rov, Jan Ove Gjershaug, Hapsoro & Adam Supriatna
- Socio-Economic Problems and Solutions in Raptor Predation - R.E. Kenward
Part 8
Conservation Biology of the World‘s Migratory Raptors
- Conservation Biology of the World‘s Migratory Raptors: status and strategies - Keith L. Bildstein, Jorje ZaIles, Jennifer Ottinger & Kyle McCarty
- Conservation Strategies for the world‘s largest known Raptor Migration Flyway: Veracruz, the River of Raptors - Ernesto Ruelas Inzunza, StephenW Hoffman, Laune J. Goodrich, & Ruth Tingay
- The Value of extensive Raptor Migration Monitoring in Western North America - . Jeff P. Smith & Stephen W Hoffman
- Conservation of migrating raptors through banding; results of over 30 years of the Cape May Raptor Banding Project - William S. Clark, Christopher Schultz, & Olin Allen
- Where have 30,000 Lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila pomarina gone? - Dan Alon
Part 9
Islands and Raptors
- Biodiversity, Island Raptors and Species Concepts - Clayton M. White & Lloyd F. Kiff
- Biology and molecular genetics of Eleonora‘s Falcon Falco eleonorae, a colonial raptor of Mediterranean islands - Michael Wink & Dietrich Ristow
- Status of Reunion Marsh Harrier Circus maillardi on Reunion Island - V. Bretagnolle, J.M. Thiollay & C. Attie
- Population density, territory size and habitat use of Gurney‘s Eagle Aquila gurneyi in the North Moluccas, Indonesia - Nils Rov & Jan Ove Gjershaug
- Recent Observations on Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus of the Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean - Clifford M. Anderson & Clayton M. White
- The Status of the Christmas Island Hawk-Owl Ninox natalis - F A. Richard Hill
- Dispersion in the Seychelles Kestrel Falco araea - Jeff Watson
- The Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus in Fiji and Vanuatu - Clayton M. White, Daniel J. Brimm & Jon H. Wetton
- The Osprey Pandion haliaetus in the Cape Verde Islands: distribution, population trends and conservation problems - Joäo Ferreira & Luis Palma
- Ecomorphology of island populations of the Kestrel Falco tinnunculus on Cape Verde - S. Hille & H. Winkler
Part 10
Impact of Electricity Utility Structures on Raptors
- Raptor Mortality on Powerlines in South Africa - Chris S. van Rooyen
- Steel Distribution Poles — Environmental Implications - Richard E. Harness
- Evaluating the Risk existing Powerlines pose to large Raptors by utilising Risk Assessment Methodology: the Molopo Case Study - Rudi Kruger & Chris. S. van Rooyen
- Raptor Electrocutions and Outages—A Review of Rural Utility Records spanning 1986-1996 -Richard E. Harness & Kenneth R. Wilson
- Powerlines and Raptors, using Regulatory Influence to prevent Electrocutions - Leo R. Suazo II
Part 11
Biology of Owls with Emphasis on Vocalisations
- Owl Vocalizations as Interspecific Differentiation-Patterns and their taxonomical value as Ethological Isolating Mechanisms between various Taxa - Claus König
- Distribution and population size of the Sokoke Scops Owl Otus ireneae in the Arabuko-Sokoke forest, Kenya - Munir Virani
- Relationships between Foraging Range, Prey Density and Habitat Structure in theTawny Owl Strix aluco - C.F. Coles, S.J. Petty & C.J. Thomas
- How Many Seychelles Scops Owls Otus insularis are there? - JeffWatson
- Molecular Systematics of Owls (Strigiformes) based on DNA-sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene - Michael Wink & Petra Heidrich
Part 12
Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Developments in Raptor DNA Studies and other Theoretical Aspects
- Advances in DNA studies of diurnal and nocturnal raptors - Michael Wink
- Preliminary Genetic Analysis of some Western Palaearctic populations of Bonelli‘s Eagle, Hieraaetus fasciatus. - Pedro Cardia, Bdrbara Frdguas, Miguel Pais, Thomas Guillemaud, Luis Palma, M. Leonor Cancela,
Nuno Ferrand & Michael Wink
- Phylogenetic relationships between Black Shaheen Falco peregrinus peregrinator, Rednaped Shaheen F. pelegrinoides babylonicus and Peregrines F. peregrinus - M. Wink, H. Döttlinger, M.K. Nicholls,
& H. Sauer-Gürth
- The application of DNA technology to enforce Raptor Conservation Legislation within Great Britain - Nick P. Williams & Justin A. Evans
Part 13
General Studies
- Contaminants and Wintering Areas of Peregrine Falcons, Falco peregrinus, from the Kola Peninsula, Russia - Charles J. Henny, William S. Seegar, Michael A. Yates, Thomas L Maechtle, Sergei
A.Ganusevich & Mark R. FuIler
- A Multisensor Telemetry System for studying Flight Biology and Energetics of free~ flying Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus. A Case Study - R. Bögel‘ R. Prinzinger, E. Karl & C. Walzer
- Footedness Bias in hunting Birds of Prey - Davide Csermely