The World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls

The NEWSLETTER welcomes contributions from WWGBP members and others interested in raptor biology and conservation. Articles, announcements etc. should be e-mailed, faxed or sent to the editors: Prof. Bernd-U. Meyburg, Chairman of WWGBP,  Wangenheimstr. 32, 14193 Berlin, Germany (e-mail: WWGBP@AOL.COM  , Fax: ++49-30-892 80 67 & 89 50 21 55, Phone: ++49-30-893 881-33, mobile phone: ++49-172-38 38 084),  R.D. Chancellor ,  P.O.Box 52, Towcester NN12 7ZW, UK, Tel. & Fax: ++44-1604- 86 23 31

In order to keep the administrative work and bank charges to a minimum, membership fees and subscriptions cover two-year periods.

The work carried out for the WWGBP, particularly that of its Chairman and Hon.  Secretary/Treasurer, is entirely voluntary and done in such spare time as is  available. We therefore ask your indulgance if letters and other requests are not  always dealt with speedily and in detail.


© 2003 CTM